The Cheese Tasting Company & Laithwaites Arch
invite you to choose your own adventure
Wednesday 12th April 7-9pm
Laithwaites Arch at Borough Market
Grant and I have come up with many tasting themes during the emotional rollercoaster ride that has been our working relationship. Recent gems include last week's Sommelier's Choice, Winter Warmers, That Territorial One and The Joys of Spring. You might think that after such a bountiful creative outpouring we'd be tapped out but fear not, there are plenty more ideas in the pipeline. However, we thought it would be only fair to throw the field open and let the people's voice be heard. So here's the deal: come up with a convincing and exciting theme and title for the next tasting and we will give you two free tickets! Better hurry though, we need to settle on a theme soon so that we can begin the exhaustive research process that will culminate in the cornucopia of challenging but delicious wine and cheese pairings and the outpouring of hilarious yet at times oddly moving cheese and wine related anecdotes that have come to characterise our outings on the gastronomic stage.
Entries must be in by Wednesday 8th of March and should be sent to ned@CheeseTastingCo.Uk or